Chicken Parmesan with zoodles recipe

One of the things I’ve been enjoying during quarantine is having the time to cook more. For once cooking doesn’t feel like a chore, but more like a fun activity, and I’m a fan of making healthy meals and one that I love to do is “zoodles and meatballs.” Since pasta has never really been … Continued

Life during quarantine

Using this quarantine time to check in with each of you. I can’t believe it took me three weeks of being in quarantine, to write this post. Honestly, I didn’t feel like writing and I tend to not do things unless I really feel like it.. but I would love to hear how are you … Continued

Wow the big 30!

30 years later and so many lessons learned, 31 countries later and still so much left to learn and explore, 30 years later and so many people I have met along the way but the good ones have stuck around and that’s all that matters. 30 years later and who knew I would learn so … Continued

Fall in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

Just like that, we are 3 months away from wrapping up in 2019! Can you even believe that?! I love Octobers because it’s the start of my favorite season, fall. Honestly, I go back and forth and summer and fall are both equally my favorite seasons. But the one thing fall has for me that … Continued

Monday Thoughts

Do you ever wake up in the morning and wonder what you are doing with your life?  Let’s be honest I’m pretty sure a lot of us including myself have at least once asked themselves that question. I strongly believe that we all go through something, and some of us are still trying to figure … Continued

Shot my first wedding

Wow, and just like that we are saying goodbye to June! We had the gloomiest/coolest June apparently since a very very long time, all the gloominess started to get to me so much that I was ready to book a ticket to Mexico lol. Despite that, I’m happy now that it officially feels like summer … Continued

The most Instagram spots in NY

Hellooo Summer! Who else is so excited that summer finally arrived in Chicago? I thought it was going to rain forever. Anyways May June have already been crazy months for me, that tends to be the norm though. May to October are always our months full of events. I even make a summer bucket list … Continued

A Night of Cauliflower Fried Rice

And just like that I’m welcoming May with a new recipe post. Apparently it’s been almost a year since the last time I posted about food so nothing like a Sunday spent making something new, meditating, finishing a book, and trying this new recipe. I’ve been trying to stay away from rice lately and found … Continued

Life Lately…

2019 has been a wild ride so far. I’ve mostly been spending time trying to slow things down that’s usually my winter hobby since for the most part spring-fall are crazy busy, always trying to make the best of it. So this winter, I’ve been taking it slow and easy by reading a lot (about … Continued

My Favorite Reads this Year

Hello my peeps! I can’t believe that just like that, we are saying goodbye to another year. This time I decided to do a different type of post than my usual one around this time. This year I’m not even sure how, but I read 14 books — the most I’ve ever read! I don’t even … Continued