My Favorite Books I Read This Year

Well, I didn’t get to read as much as I wanted to this year… between getting a new job, signing up for Krav maga, and doing all the other things I’ve already been doing (French, working out, guitar, travel) but hey at least I kept myself busy this year right? I did have a few … Continued

6 Books I Highly Recommend

And just like that, another year is in the books. I am starting to think that it is true the older you get time just seems to move a lot faster. This year brought a lot of change and personal growth and I’ve been considering writing a blog post about that. But let’s get back … Continued

Korean Short Rib Tacos

I can’t believe this is my first post of 2021 and now here we are in May! I guess it’s true what they say the older you get, the less time you have to do it all. I really thought Winter would drag with us not being able to do much due to COVID, but … Continued

12 Books I Highly Recommend You Read

It’s been quite a year huh? But I have been trying to focus on the good things that did come out of this year. One of them was exceeding my reading list. It’s been a while since I did a blog post about my favorite books, so I decided to put together a list of … Continued

A Healthy Falafel Bowl

I love making falafels. It’s one of my favorite vegan recipes to make even though it is very time-consuming… Now I have extra during time to perfect it, and I think I’m finally ready to share it with you. I need to warn you that this recipe needs two days in advance to prep, so … Continued