
Korean Short Rib Tacos

I can’t believe this is my first post of 2021 and now here we are in May! I guess it’s true what they say the older you get, the less time you have to do it all. I really thought Winter would drag with us not being able to do much due to COVID, but … Continued

A Healthy Falafel Bowl

I love making falafels. It’s one of my favorite vegan recipes to make even though it is very time-consuming… Now I have extra during time to perfect it, and I think I’m finally ready to share it with you. I need to warn you that this recipe needs two days in advance to prep, so … Continued


My Favorite Books I Read This Year

Well, I didn’t get to read as much as I wanted to this year… between getting a new job, signing up for Krav maga, and doing all the other things I’ve already been doing (French, working out, guitar, travel) but hey at least I kept myself busy this year right? I did have a few … Continued

6 Books I Highly Recommend

And just like that, another year is in the books. I am starting to think that it is true the older you get time just seems to move a lot faster. This year brought a lot of change and personal growth and I’ve been considering writing a blog post about that. But let’s get back … Continued


Fall in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

Just like that, we are 3 months away from wrapping up in 2019! Can you even believe that?! I love Octobers because it’s the start of my favorite season, fall. Honestly, I go back and forth and summer and fall are both equally my favorite seasons. But the one thing fall has for me that … Continued

The most Instagram spots in NY

Hellooo Summer! Who else is so excited that summer finally arrived in Chicago? I thought it was going to rain forever. Anyways May June have already been crazy months for me, that tends to be the norm though. May to October are always our months full of events. I even make a summer bucket list … Continued