My Favorite Books I Read This Year

Well, I didn’t get to read as much as I wanted to this year… between getting a new job, signing up for Krav maga, and doing all the other things I’ve already been doing (French, working out, guitar, travel) but hey at least I kept myself busy this year right? I did have a few … Continued

6 Books I Highly Recommend

And just like that, another year is in the books. I am starting to think that it is true the older you get time just seems to move a lot faster. This year brought a lot of change and personal growth and I’ve been considering writing a blog post about that. But let’s get back … Continued

12 Books I Highly Recommend You Read

It’s been quite a year huh? But I have been trying to focus on the good things that did come out of this year. One of them was exceeding my reading list. It’s been a while since I did a blog post about my favorite books, so I decided to put together a list of … Continued

Life during quarantine

Using this quarantine time to check in with each of you. I can’t believe it took me three weeks of being in quarantine, to write this post. Honestly, I didn’t feel like writing and I tend to not do things unless I really feel like it.. but I would love to hear how are you … Continued

Wow the big 30!

30 years later and so many lessons learned, 31 countries later and still so much left to learn and explore, 30 years later and so many people I have met along the way but the good ones have stuck around and that’s all that matters. 30 years later and who knew I would learn so … Continued

Monday Thoughts

Do you ever wake up in the morning and wonder what you are doing with your life?  Let’s be honest I’m pretty sure a lot of us including myself have at least once asked themselves that question. I strongly believe that we all go through something, and some of us are still trying to figure … Continued

Life Lately…

2019 has been a wild ride so far. I’ve mostly been spending time trying to slow things down that’s usually my winter hobby since for the most part spring-fall are crazy busy, always trying to make the best of it. So this winter, I’ve been taking it slow and easy by reading a lot (about … Continued

My Favorite Reads this Year

Hello my peeps! I can’t believe that just like that, we are saying goodbye to another year. This time I decided to do a different type of post than my usual one around this time. This year I’m not even sure how, but I read 14 books — the most I’ve ever read! I don’t even … Continued


Every year I’ve done a recap on the lessons I learned on that specific year. This year I reflected on something a bit different than the previous. I decided to take a meditation class in the beginning of the year and I’ve been doing it on a daily basis since. I have to say It’s … Continued

Life Lately

Hello! Hello! After being away from my blog for three months I decided to get back to it again. I think that due to my being away for awhile I thought I would write a post about what I’ve been up to. I always knew I wanted to start a blog as a hobby because … Continued